Pica syndrome symptoms
Pica syndrome symptoms

pica syndrome symptoms

It’s part of exploring their world and learning through sensory input. This is because young children go through a developmental stage of putting non-edible objects into their mouth. Pica in children over the age of 2: In children under 2 years old, pica is not usually diagnosed.

pica syndrome symptoms

Pica can affect people of all ages but it’s most common for pica to start in childhood. Certain population groups are much more susceptible to the disease than others. Although there’s limited research into the causes and most effective treatments, studies have shown the ways in which pica affects children and adults. In serious cases, pica can lead to severe or fatal medical consequences, including poisoning, gastrointestinal obstruction or disease, dental and oral problems, parasites and other infections, problems in pregnancy and more. Pica sufferers may have one particular item that they consume or many different things. These can include soil, clay, paint chips, plaster, soap, detergent, shampoo, paper, chalk, stone, coins, bricks, cigarette ends, hair, clothing, toothpaste or any other non-food objects. Pica is a rare eating disorder (or feeding disorder) where people develop cravings for and swallow inedible items.

Pica syndrome symptoms professional#

At UKAT, we’d also like to see more compassion towards people with pica, so they feel supported to seek professional help and recover. Drawing from some of the available research, we’ll look at who pica affects, as well as possible causes and health risks of the disease. In this blog, we’ll explain what pica is.

pica syndrome symptoms

In the 21 st Century, however, there is still widespread stigma and sensationalism of the illness. Although rare, symptoms associated with pica syndrome have been documented by medical professionals for centuries. What is pica and who is most likely to develop the disorder? Are you aware of the signs and health risks of pica? If you don’t know, then you’re amongst the majority.

Pica syndrome symptoms